Voucher Scheme Terms & Conditions

In order for vouchers to be eligible for redemption:
The cycle owner must be over 18
The repairs must be necessary to make cycles roadworthy and fit for purpose, this may include:
– Repair or replace tyres, tubes, wheels and related components
– Adjust, repair or replace braking system components
– Adjust, repair or replace transmission system components.
– Repair or replace other essential components which prevent safe use of the cycle e.g. deteriorated grips or saddle
– Repair or replacement of components for permanently fitted lighting systems

Repairs which are NOT eligible:
– replacement or upgrade of existing safe and roadworthy components
– replacement or repair of removeable lighting accessories

• Vouchers will cover up to £50 per cycle towards the Eligible Repairs and parts that need replacement as part of the Eligible Repairs. The cycle owner will need to pay
the remainder cost if the cost is greater than £50.
• If the cost of the service is below £50, the voucher will only cover for the effective cost of the transaction (less than £50).
• A maximum of 2 vouchers can be claimed per customer address, and only 1 voucher per cycle.
• Vouchers must be valid at point of redemption.